
Clubs And Competitors

Image shows interface that enables competitor registration for a tournament. For each competitor, besides their full name, this dialog enters their club and category. Furthermore, program automatically assigns a unique number for each competitor. It is used to mark winner on graphical charts.

Category Overview

Program offers category overview by showing any two categories at the same time. This view is very useful after competitor registration and allows direct transfer of a competitor from one category to another.

Competition Areas

This image shows interface that enables user to assign competition area to every category. In the beginning, left side of the window lists all categories with registered competitors. In the upper right part, dialog shows the list of competition areas. Below this there is a list of selected categories whose matches will be held on selected competition area.

Main Category View

During the competition program offers category overview and entering of outcome of every match. User interface enables very fast and easy jump to any specific category or match as well as descriptive view and modification of current data. Competitors are listed with their complete data and their color clearly shown in every stage of the tournament. That makes program much easier to use and brings down possibility of error to a minimum.

Match Outcome

This dialog enables entering of outcome of every match, or changing previously entered data. It is designed in a way that makes this job easy and fast as it is possible. In contrast to other screenshots, this one was not taken on Windows Vista, and it shows what program looks like on Windows XP.


Finally, here is the screenshot of the "One Step Setup utility" that makes installation of this program very easy. You can notice that it shows a "Personal code" and that you need to enter "Activation code" in order to perform installation. The first one is displayed automatically while the second one is obtained from the author after payment for the license.